Court Appearances Manager


The Court Appearances Manager

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Enter Court Appearances and let UIC do the rest!

See who's up in court - bench warrants - in custody

Auto generate claim forms (LA 1) including travelling expenses

SMS notifications of Court Appearances to your clients

Includes District Court Appearances, Circuit Court Consultations, Prison Visits, Station Visits

Access from anywhere - pc/tablet/ipad/mobile - Android/IOS

Court Appearances

View all court appearances for any period. 
Organise & assign available solicitors
Record outcome of hearing
Add next appearance while in court
Check for next date in any court

Automatic Notifications

Automate daily Court List to solicitors and barristers.
Automate text message reminders to clients.

*** *** ***
See on-screen Bench Warrants issued & clients in custody

Automate Claims Handling

Legal Aid claims (LA1's)
Circuit Court consultations
Prison Visits
Station Visits
Record Payments & identify unpaid


Appearances unassigned
Amount claimed in any period
Amount paid in any period
Appearances not claimed
Claims not yet paid
When next in particular court
Legal Aid granted (or refused)

...... and MONEY

You enter court appearances and UpInCourt automates almost everything else!

Access from Anywhere

All you need is Internet access - works on pc's, tablets, ipads, mobile phones - Android and IOS.


Legal Aid Forms LA1 
Circuit Court Consultations LA10
Statement of Means Form

Huge Time Saver

Automatically produce completed Legal Aid Forms and Circuit Court consultation forms - including fees, mileage and photocopy costs.

Manage Receipts

Record receipt of payments and reconcile against claims.  Easily identify appearances not yet claimed and claims not yet paid.

Don’t miss a claim again – UIC generates the claim forms for you. Spot claims not paid and those underpaid. Monitor certs to make sure they are applied for and that they arrive.

Watch this video for a preview of UpInCourt features.



Company Registration includes 1 User
60 /month


The extra cost per User
30 /month (per user)
Example: Company with 1 User -

Example: Company with 3 Users -
(Company Registration includes 1 User)
€60 + 2 x €30

(All prices shown exclude VAT)

With UpInCourt you are in control

and you're saving time and money